
Saturday, May 11, 2013

4 weeks and 1 day (29 days) post op

Hey everyone!!!

I haven't posted in forever and I feel awful about it, but that seems to be the norm with me - I don't post for  week at a time and then I feel bad. But since tomorrow will be May 12, exactly a month post op, and yesterday was 4 weeks post op, I feel that I should post about the last week and my surgeon's appointment/orthodontist appointment I had on thursday!

So for starters, I'll talk about the pain. 
It's been about the same since last week, pretty minimal, almost non-existent. However, I can tell that my jaw(s) is/are starting to heal to my face, because from my nose down is very sore, especially today. It's basically that feeling you get when you get your braces tightened and your teeth are so sore you want to rip them out of your face... except this soreness is more in my incision lines/ where my jaw was cut (obviously).
I have been getting a lot of head aches recently... I believe it's from the pain I still get on my left side of my face. I'm still having a lot of pain in the left side of my head, and now where my jaws connect on the left side, but that's only when I touch/push on it. I'm not sure why all of my pain is on the left, but my surgeon says it's normal, that the pain is tension in the muscles, and that's why I'm probably getting head aches.
And finally, I'm getting pain in my nose! I hope that didn't come across as exciting to me because it actually hurts like a bitch. The cartalidge in the middle of my nose - you know, the cartalidge that keeps you from having 2 nostrils instead of one? Yeah, well it seems to have wanted to curve to the left. And by that I mean that when I stick my finger in my nose (we all do it) it isn't straight like it used to be, I can feel it curved, and not only that, but if anything hits my nose from the left or from the middle, or if I try to rub my nose, it feels like the catrilidge is being pulled off my face. It fucking hurts so much. Bleh.

Okay so now about my appointment with my surgeon/orthodontist. I saw my surgeon a couple days ago, the office was almost empty so I got in right away, as apposed to last weeks appointment where I waited like an hour. So this time, instead of going into one of those dentist rooms again, I was seated in his consultation room, the room I used to always be seated in before surgery. My surgeon came in and talked to us for a few seconds before I sat back in a random dentist chair on the other side of his office. I told him about my concerns with the pain on the left of my face and he said it was normal. He said my bite is stable enough that he's going to let my orthodontist make the calls from now on, but he wanted me to ask my orthodontist how he feels about me wearing my elastics half the time I do now. I wear my elastics 12 hours a day, I think I've mentioned that before. After that I booked an appointment to see him in 2 weeks time and drove to my ortho, who's only just up the street. It was their lunch but they told me to come by after my surgeons appointment. When I talked to him I told him about my surgeon suggesting half time elastics - he said half time for him is 12 hours so I'm still sticking with that. However he wants me to wear 4 elastics instead of 5 - he's permanently taken off my front elastic! But, when I see him in 2 weeks, if my bite has shifted at all, I have to wear the front elastic again. Hopefully in 2 weeks I can maybe have more elastics off - maybe even have my surgical hooks taken off!! :)
I asked when my braces come off... he seemed hesitant to answer so I just said "6 months to a year?" and he was like "sure lets go with that." looooovely.

But that's really all that's been worth talking about! 
I'm still on a soft food diet, but I do eat food that's needed to be chewed - I just break it into a ton of pieces and swallow it.
Actually the weirdest thing happened, I blended ground beef and mashed potatoes in the blender and when I was eating it something really sharp cut my throat so bad I couldn't breathe or swallow or cough... My mom was going to call 911 but I managed to get my breath back and it was sore for a while.
This week I've spent a ton of time with my bff (boyfriend forever lmfaaao) and it's been really fun! 

But I've completely lost focus on what I'm writing so I'm just gonna publish this and hope it makes sense. If anything more comes up ill post about it :) lateeeeeeeeeeeeer

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