
Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Hey guys,

I haven't posted lately for two reasons. One, my boyfriend is on reading week so I've been spending a lot of time with him. And two, there hasn't been anything of interest going on in regards to my Jaw Surgery, so I figured I'd just wait to post. But since this is my "general" blog, I'll use this opportunity to talk about all the new cool shit I've bought, and how a lot of it proved to suck ass.

So first off, I am happy to announce that I finally have my own working laptop!!! Finally, 5 months later. My dad bought it for me, since I'm going to college in September I basically need one. Anyways, it's a Sony Vaio, Windows 7, 2nd generation i5, 6g of RAM, all that good stuff. Honestly, there's not much to bitch about, it's a pretty nice computer. However, even though it's i5 it's still pretty slow, and the webcam is total S.H.I.T. So even if I decided I wanted to make Youtube videos for my Jaw Surgery, it wouldn't turn out very good.

This is what it looks like:

A little different, but whatever.
You see, I hate shopping, because no matter what it is, when I buy it, it seems like a good idea, and then I come home and regret it. Which brings me to the next thing on my shopping list. Spacers.

Currently, I am stretching my ears and am at a 6g, which is about 4mm. The other day I was at the mall, and I saw in a kiosk that they had really pretty glass "talon" spacers, that were light pink. I decided it was time to stretch from a 6g to a 4g and bought 2 of the spacers. I noticed in some other sections with spacers, the ones under "4g" were much smaller than the ones under "6g", but I didn't think much of it.

Story Time: When I was 15, I had no idea HOW to stretch your ears. I've seen it on people, and i knew the terminology, but I didn't know how it was done. My friend handed me a 2g spacer and just told me to go at it. So that night, while I was a little stoned, I decided to just put the whole thing through. I went up 9 fucking sizes, from a 20g to a 2g. Completely ripped my ear hole, it was not fun. I ended up putting navel jewelry in my ears a couple weeks later, and then about 2 years later started stretching again.

So, when I went to put the "4g" jewelry in my ears, it went in fine for the ear that had been ripped. My other ear, however, it just wouldn't go. It would not push through. I decided today to go to the mall and buy a 4g taper, which looks like ...


I compared the 4g that I got from a store that primarily sells body modification jewelry and the "4g" that I got from the kiosk, and I noticed the one's I got from the kiosk are at least a size bigger. It's just very frustrating lol.

The third item I am going to bitch about is one of those mesh scrunchies, or a "donut bun", that you use to make ballerina buns in your hair. My boyfriend bought it for me today when we were at the mall, and when we got back home, I tried it on once, and it completely fell apart! The actual scrunchie, not my bun. If it was my bun that fell apart, I wouldn't be so pissed about the whole thing. But I'm really disappointed, I'm taking it back to see if I can get some store credit or something.

Now, this isn't something I was going to complain about, because we got it for free. But when I was in Lush the other day with my boyfriend, the lady working there gave us free samples of fluoride-free (did I spell that right?) chewable toothpaste stuff! She said they were chewable tablets, each "flavour" is made out of different natural ingredients, and basically you chew it, then brush your teeth, and it foams up and cleans your mouth. I went for it right away, because it was free, and fluoride hurts my stomach and gives me a headache. But when I tried it... Ew. Just no. It tasted like chewable perfume tablets.

That's all I really have to complain about. I also bought this Blackhead cleanser from Lush called Dark Angels and a Lip Scrub in Bubblegum flavour, and I'm going to try those tomorrow to see how it works. This post was completely pointless but what else am I going to talk about... lmfao.

Welcome to my boring life, I hope you enjoyed this boring post ;)

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