
Saturday, April 13, 2013

0 - 1 day post op!!!

I'm finally on the other side of the electical saw!!

This is my account of yesterday and today.


So we are all up at 7:45. My anxiety is pretty bad but I handle it. We get in the car by 8:20 and are at the hospital by 8:30. I go to the registration office and register, then go upstairs a floor to where they "interview me" and get me dressed in my gown and everything. They even put a wrist label around Lamby's neck so no one takes her. Then I get taken into another room, lie in that bed for about 10 minutes, until I get taken to the Operation Room. I get helped up onto the operating bed, and my surgeon and an anesthesiologist comes in, along with my surgeons business partner. My surgeon tries to keep me as calm as possible while they're inserting my IV and the freezing tube into my artery. Everything starts to get a little spiny, and they put an oxygen mask on me to keep my breathing normal. Next thing I remember is waking up in the recovery room.

I think I keep yelling that I felt sick. I think people kept having to give me different medications until they used gravol and it settled my stomach. Then my surgeon came in and I asked him if I could see my mom - He said she wasn't allowed in the recovery room. about an hour and a half later I was taken to a room called the SAC U... No idea what that means. I was rolled onto the bed in that room filled with old people and I stayed there all night. I slept between 3 am and 5 am. The other times I kept calling the nurse and asking her to give me more nausea medications. I think I passed in and out of consciousness when my family was visiting between 5:30 and 8:30 pm. During the night I got up a few times to go pee. At one point I was severely pouring blood out of my nose.

1 day post-op

At some point this morning I tried drinking out of a straw. I was also walked around the floor to get used to walking again and gain some strength. My surgeon came in around 10:30 and told me everything I need to know. I need to purchase 200mg Ibuprofens, some Junior Tylenol, preferably chew-able, and he will write me a prescription for T3's. I need to crush them up, dissolve them in hot water, and then mix them with something to get it down. He gave me scissors to cut the elastics on my braces, and some extra elastics, so if I'm having trouble breathing I can cut the elastics, or if I want to fit in some ice cream and take medication without crushing it up and dissolving it, then I can do that. My mouth is so gooey however, that I'd rather not do that for a few days. He then said he was going on vacation tonight and that if there were any issues to contact his partner. My parents came in around 12 pm and I left with them to go home. I actually couldn't believe my surgeon was dismissing me so early. I had only been at the hospital for a total of 27 and a half hours. But he believed I was fine enough to go home, so I did.

Since I got home

It's been pure hell ever since I got home. The T3's are so disgusting crushed up that I gag every time I take some, yet without them and the Ibuprofen I am in so much agony I can't stop crying. Evan went and got some apple juice, so now I can mix the T3's with the juice and get it down, but there's just so much apple juice to drink and not much room in my mouth. When the medications wear off my pain is an 11/10. My discomfort at the moment is 10/10. I regret this decision hugely at the moment. I know when I'm healed I wont, but right now I wish I never did it.

Hopefully tomorrow the pain will have decreased and I'll be able to sit here and give a detailed account of what they ended up doing, and what they actually found in my nasal passage. Right now I'm too nauseous to continue this post so I'll talk to everyone tomorrow!

All in all, I'm glad I'm finally post-op.

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