
Tuesday, April 9, 2013


So today not only is my cold somehow getting worse but I have a million things I have to do and I can't because my surgeon has put me on bed rest. But of course that doesn't stop my mother from making me clean everything

This morning I woke up and my sore throat was basically non-existent. I was incredibly happy until a few hours ago when I blew my nose and it was all yellow. Not clear, as it used to be. But yellow.
I can FEEL the phlegm in my chest and throat, and of course I don't have any decongestant yet.
I get dizzy when I try to cough anything out.
I know this is gross but I'm dizzy right now and I frankly do not care.

Also my boyfriend is a dingus for actually thinking he can get a butterfly knife across the border.

So on top of worrying about me being sick, and worrying about if I can actually have the surgery. and worrying about actually having the surgery, I still have so much shit to do in preparation that I have become so overwhelmed. How am I supposed to do all of this when I'm on bed rest? HUH?

Ugh. I wish it was 2 months from now. My surgery would be done and I'd be chewing food and I wouldn't be sick or worrying about any of this.

Tomorrow is my appointment with my surgeon, and it is a very important appointment because that's when I figure out if I can have the surgery or not. Fingers crossed I can!!!

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