
Monday, April 1, 2013


As if i'm making a post less than a day after my previous one,
but I have huge news!!!

So I woke up this morning and was totally bored, as per usual, so I decided to go play some piano. The phone rings and my sister yells that it's my surgeon, so I rush to answer it. Our conversation went like this:

Me: Hello?
Surgeon: Hi, is this Rebecca?
Me: Yep
Surgeon: Can I speak to your mom?

Um. What.
So I hand the phone to mom, she answers, continually saying "okay..." every few seconds. She breaks out in a smile and gives me a thumbs up, then shakes her head while pointing to her chin, which indicated that my surgeon was saying no Genioplasty. I was so confused, so when she finally got off the phone with him, she tried to explain everything to me as best as she could but she's pretty bad at it and not only that, but she didn't ask my surgeon any of the questions that I need to know.

Basically she said that he said he did a "Mock surgery" and realized I don't need it. Also, he mentioned something about my airways being more open after they are done with my upper jaw. He also told mom that I should call him back if I had any questions, so I wrote down a few and gave him a call.

Once I got him on the phone and explained that my mom is bad at explaining things, he burst out laughing. Then explained everything I need to know. I zoned out through some parts, but I know that he said that when he did measurements and put pieces together and bla bla bla (the mock surgery) he said that the lift he is giving to my lower jaw will give me enough of a chin to look proportionate, and I thiiiink (I hope) he meant that it will give me the support in my lower lip that the Genioplasty would have done anyways. He also made an example of a tongue depressor or cigar being bit by your molars and how it goes on an angle and mine is too steep so he's fixing the "Plane" of my bite while doing my upper jaw, so it'll open up my airways TWICE as much, making my snoring almost gone and have little to no chance of developing sleep apnea.

However, he is moving my jaw outwards as well, so I asked him if this is going to change the shape of my nose, and he said a little. He explained that whenever you move your bones, your soft tissue moves half as much. So because of my upper jaw moving out 4mm, my nose will move about 2mm. I told him that my nose  kind of points up at the end so I'm afraid that I'll develop a "piggy nose", and he said that he's doing minimal movement so that most likely won't happen, but you never know. So my concern has gone from having permanent feeling loss in my chin/lower lip, to having a pig nose.

Oh well, we'll see what the surgery brings. I'm very excited actually, but at the same time concerned because my surgeon said the Genioplasty will help shut my lips and now that it's not happening, I don't know if my lips will be as shut. Probably. I don't know.

I need to chill. He's a good surgeon and I'm being stupid.

Anyways if anything else changes or if I call and get more information out of him, then I'll update again :)

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