
Monday, April 8, 2013

Yellow Light?

Since surgery is 4 days away I'm probably going to be posting everyday, just because there's so much information :)

So in my last post I was freaking out about being sick/ rattling in my lungs. Today I went to the walk in clinic and the doctor assured me that I don't have a sinus infection or bronchitis, which made me SO happy, because I am very prone to bronchitis. So he did say that he heard some congestion in my chest, and just to take over the counter All-In-One Decongestant. I haven't bought that yet but I found some stuff in my house that worked until tomorrow when I buy some more.
The doctor said he suspects I'll be only getting better from here, so I got home and called my surgeon, which was kind of frustrating.
The woman who answered the phone seemed reluctant to let me speak to my surgeon, and suggested I just tell him tomorrow when I see him for the "Photo Shoot". When I insisted, she put me on hold for a few minutes, then suddenly picked up the phone and said "Hello Allison?" I said "This is Rebecca" and she said "Oh one minute" and HUNG UP.

I was like what the hell... So I waited a few minutes, then decided to wait until I see him tomorrow. I checked the voicemails and somehow the lady left a voicemail without even calling, and said my surgeon would like to speak to me ASAP. So I called back and told him everything. He asked me how I was generally feeling and I said I feel great except for the congestion in my chest.

So after a while of talking, my surgeon said he's pretty sure we can still go ahead with the operation, but that he wants to move my appointment from tomorrow to Wednesday, because an Anesthesiologist comes in on Wednesdays and Fridays and he wants her or him to check me out to make sure I can receive General anesthetic. So Basically it's like I'm at a yellow light, waiting for the OK.

This SUCKS. Not only did I JUST get the ability to breathe through my nose back, but I'm still congested, and in 4 days I won't be able to breathe through my nose again (If I get the OK)

But, I am to go along as if the whole thing is still happening. So I have plans to clean and prepare everything tomorrow.

In other news, my family is walking around like nothing is about to happen. My sister is complaining constantly about how everyone is paying more attention to the fact that I'm sick, rather than to the fact that she's sick. She went on this rampage about how I do nothing with my life and bla bla bla. So now my parents are catering to that bitch. I'm literally 4 days away and I'm not even close to ready. I'm sick so I can't leave the house to go buy everything I need, so my mom has to do everything I should be doing. I could do it by myself, but my surgeon basically put me on bed rest until I see him. 

In regards to how I'm feeling... I'm scared. Nervous. Anxious. Everything that I should be feeling at this point. I'm sad to see my old face go, but excited to embrace the new one. It's not going to be a huge change, my surgeon says. But still a change.

I'll update tomorrow on my sickness and everything that's going on :)

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