
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Day 7 late update and Day 8 post op

Sorry I didn't post yesterday, I'm also posting via iPhone today cause, well, I'm too lazy to get my laptop.

So yesterday wasn't anything special. I didnt take any pain medication all day, and I slept miserably because I decided to try sleeping without heavy medication. My aunt in Calgary sent me beautiful flowers, which was a nice surprise. But other than that, I was just miserable because I'm so hungry.

Today I woke up with a better attitude than I was in yesterday, although that quickly changed because my sister is crazy and a spoiled brat. But I put on some music and I became really happy, for the first time since surgery I was saying "yeaaaah I'm post op!" instead of "ugh im post op". I drank v8 juice and had enough energy to shower and get dressed, so I went out and bought some avacado, banana and yogurt for a smoothie which didn't turn out so great. Then my best friend Nikki came by to see me which was awesome and I've just been lying around ever since she left. My mood has dropped since then, I'm miserable and hungry and my family is full of crackheads. Or at least I wish it was.

Most of my pain is located up on my temple and skull above my ear, on the left. Other than that I only get pain in my joints on the right side when my elastics are off.

Swelling is at a stand still basically but I don't even look like I have any.

Bruising is almost gone, still quite bad on my wrist and neck.

Inconvenience is so much I can't even tell you. I hate this so much.

Since things have slowed down I'll try to update but if I forget a day or so forgive me.

Talk to you all laterrr

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