
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Day 2 and 3 post op

I'm sorry I haven't been updating as frequently as I should, but the last 2 days have kind of melted together.

First off I'd like to say that I regret this a lot. I can feel tension and pain in my joints, which, I could be wrong, but indicates TMJ, which I didn't have before. It's probably just my muscles tensing up, but I'm really on edge about everything.

The last 2 days have been unbelievably hard. Most of my time I've spent crying because I've been in so much pain. My medication I have to crush up, dissolve, and then mix with something and drink it. But the Ibuprofen and percs taste absolutely horrible, and 90% of the time I've been unbearably nauseous. The only thing to mask the taste is thick yogurt or apple sauce, which is incredibly hard to take with your jaw basically wired shut, so I've been having to take off my elastics and open my mouth a little bit (not much though cause my face is too tensed up) and that hurts a lot.

When I manage to take my medication though, I become so out of it, so sleepy, that I'm in and out of consciousness for hours. It takes me about 2 hours to fully regain consciousness after I wake up. I hate being like that. But, I'd rather be like that then dealing with this pain.

My parents called my surgeons partner today, he helped my surgeon with the surgery. He faxed over a prescription for a heavy heavy anti - nausea drug, and so far I'm loving it. It's the kind that you get prescribed when you have cancer and going through Chemotherapy. I'm actually managing to eat yogurt and jello and all kinds of food. It's difficult but I feel a lot better than I have been the last few days.

I'm actually surprised at how much I'm not numb. I have feeling in my upper lip, my nose, most of my cheeks, under one eye, the only place there's noticeable numbness is my chin and lower lip, but even in my lower lip it just feels like I bit it and have been holding onto it for a few hours. So, kind of a tingly painful numb.

I just can't wait for Week One to be over. I've been grumpy, in a lot of pain and nausea, and I definitely wish I didn't do this.
I'm seeing my surgeons partner tomorrow so I'll update then.

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